分发: distribute; hand out; issue; ...放弃: give up; abandon; renounce; ...泄露: let out; reveal; divulge; le ...出卖: offer for sale; sell丧失: lose; forfeit; be deprived o ...送掉, 分发, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖, 让步, 陷下: give away分发;赠送;出卖;放弃(机会)等: give away捐赠,给出,泄露,出卖: give away分发;捐赠;泄露: give away赠送;分发;泄露;塌下: give away放弃;退出;丧失: renunciation分发,赠送,颁发,背叛,出卖,暴露: give away放弃,背弃,出卖(朋友),赠送,泄漏: give away捐赠;泄漏;放弃;背弃;出卖(朋友): give away泄露: let out; reveal; divulge; leakage; give away; vent; transpire; disclose; betray 泄露机密 divulge confidential information; disclose secrets; 泄露秘密 disclose a secret; give the show [game] away; give away the show; tell tales (out of school); spill the beans; 泄露天机 make the secret known; 泄露原子机密 give up the atomic secrets; 泄露国家机密罪 betrayal of state secrets; offense of betraying state secrets; 泄露军事机密罪 offense of disclosing military secrets出卖: 1.(卖) offer for sale; sell 这能以高价出卖。 it can sell high.2.(背叛) sell out; betray; barter away 出卖国家的利益 sell out [betray] the interests of the country; 出卖朋友 betray one's friend; 出卖原则 barter away principles; 出卖主权 barter away the sovereignty; 我们宁死也不出卖自己的同志。 we would rather die than sell out our comrades分发: distribute; hand out; issue; dispense 分发证件 issue certificates individually; 分发慰问品 distribute gifts as an expression of gratitude or appreciation, sympathy or solicitude; 老师给全班学生分发考卷。 the teacher distributed the examination papers round the class丧失: lose; forfeit; be deprived of 丧失会员资格 forfeit one's membership; 丧失记忆 lose memory; 丧失立场 depart from the correct stand; 丧失国格 lose one's national dignity; 丧失人格 lose one's personal dignity; 丧失人心 forfeit popular support; thoroughly discredited among the people; become unpopular; lose all popular support; 丧失原则 depart from principle; forfeit [lose] principle; 丧失警惕 lower one's guard; be off one's guard; 丧失劳动力 disability; 丧失理智 lose one's nerve; 丧失时机 miss the opportunity [chance]; let slip a good opportunity; 丧失信心 lose confidence; 丧失信用 play the bankrupt; 这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。 the accident deprived him of his life我肯定会丧失自我我会出卖自己的灵魂去赢利: i am sure to lose and i will suffer sell my soul to make a profit放弃: give up; abandon; renounce; back-out; forsake; resign; surrender; abstain from; forgo; render (up); back down; drop; pack in; wash out; put away; get out of 放弃个人意见 withdraw one's opinion; 放弃休息时间 give up one's time for rest; 放弃表决权 abstain from voting; 放弃财产 relinquish one's possessions; 放弃原则 forsake one's principles; 放弃职守 desert one's post; 这项计划很可能被放弃。 the plan will most probably be abandoned. 他放弃了出国的念头。 he gives up the idea of going abroad. 那位女电影演员放弃事业而结婚了。 the film actress gave up her career and married.; 放弃保费 waiver of premium; 放弃公民权 renounce one's citizenship; 放弃国籍 renounce one's nationality; 放弃国籍声明 declaration of alienage; 放弃航次 abandonment of the voyage; 放弃继承权 renunciation of succession; 放弃奖金 waiver of premium; 放弃金本位 off the gold standard; 放弃权利 renounce; renunciation; 放弃上诉权 renunciation of appeal; 放弃诉讼 renounce an action; 放弃索赔 renunciation of claim; 放弃条款 waiver clause; 放弃遗产继承权 renounce claim to an inheritance背弃,泄露: give away发现,泄露: discover放出、泄露: let out核泄露: nuclear leakage揭露, 泄露: lift the curtain on; lift the curtain over; raise the curtain on; raise the curtain over